Forecasted weather conditions could affect the power lines that serve local communities. Find more information at the Public Safety Power Shutoff page. 

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Digital Equity

Digital Equity and Inclusion

Internet access is essential for daily tasks such as doctor visits, remote work, banking, online applications for government and other programs, and attending school.
However, there is a digital divide, meaning not everyone has equal access to the internet. This can be due to affordability, lack of infrastructure in certain areas, or limited digital skills. 211 can help you bridge this divide for greater access.



Ways we can help you get connected:



Did You Know?

211 San Diego provides over-the-phone assistance to help you enroll into programs like CARE (utility discount), CalFresh, and Medi-Cal. Call 2-1-1 to see if you’re likely eligible and schedule your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Digital Divide?

Using the internet and different technologies is not affordable or accessible to everyone. Not having access makes it more challenging to find employment, manage healthcare, access transportation, and find other opportunities, creating a divide between those who have access and those who do not.

What is Digital Equity?

We will achieve Digital Equity when everyone has access to affordable and high-speed internet and to the technologies they need; and when everyone has the tools and skills to use the internet and technologies.

How can I access low-cost internet for my home?

There are several low-cost internet plans available in San Diego County that offer access to high speed internet. Some plans may be limited to specific geographic areas. You can use the Offer Locator managed by EveryoneOn to search for plans specific to your address and your eligibility. Or you can contact a low-cost plan directly to determine if you’re eligible and if they serve your address. These services are listed in the 211 San Diego Resource Database, or you can call 2-1-1 for guided help getting this information.

What programs can 211 San Diego help me apply to over the phone?

We can assist eligible individuals and households with completing applications for CalFresh, Medi-Cal, and CARE (California Alternate Rates for Energy). Additionally, we offer free tax preparation appointments (primarily during tax season). Qualification for  services and program eligibility vary.