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Enrollment & Public Benefits

We can see if you are eligible for public benefit programs that can help you with basic needs like food, health care, housing, or financial assistance. In some cases, we can complete and submit your application over the phone as well as help you renew your benefits. Schedule a phone appointment with us below or call 2-1-1 for more ways to apply.

Enrollment Services


CalFresh is a program funded by the USDA to help improve the health and nutrition of low-income families. CalFresh can stretch food dollars, allowing you to buy more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and other healthy food. We can help you apply and submit your application over the phone. If you already have CalFresh, we can help you complete your Semi-Annual Report (SAR7) to ensure you continue to receive benefits. 

Learn More


CalFresh and Medi-Cal

If you are eligible for CalFresh, you are also likely eligible for Medi-Cal, a public health insurance program. We can help you enroll for CalFresh and Medi-Cal at the same time. 

Unfortunately, we cannot complete Medi-Cal ONLY applications, but you can visit the San Diego County website to learn more and apply.

Other Public Benefit Programs

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