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Community Calendar of Events


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Love Your Heart

Locations Vary

Love Your Heart is an annual event in which organizations from across the U.S. and Mexico join together to provide free blood pressure screenings to the public. Love Your Heart annually helps tens of thousands of people get to know their blood pressure numbers and know what they mean!   Please follow the link to … Continued


Alzheimer’s San Diego: Care Options: Residential Placement

Scripps Miramar Ranch Library 10301 Scripps Lake Dr, San Diego, CA, United States

Whether you’re looking at placement options now or planning ahead, learn about the different types of residential settings, what they cost, and how to choose what’s best for your situation.  This class is presented by local nonprofit Alzheimer's San Diego. Pre-registration is recommended Register >


AARP California Survey of LGBTQIA+ Older Adults Report

ZOOM San Diego, CA, United States

Join AARP CA and hear the results of the California survey of LGBTQIA+ Older Adults and its significance in assessing health, well-being, and service needs of the older LGBTQIA+ community. This is a free virtual event, open to the public. Registration is required.


VolunBEERS: A Hoppy Service Project

1640 Camino Del Rio N #341 San Diego, CA, United States

Join HandsOn San Diego on Tuesday, February 18, for our first VolunBEERS of 2025 at Novo Brazil Brewing in Mission Valley! The project and project benificary for this VolunBEERS is to … Continued

Event Series TrueCare Food Distribution

TrueCare Food Distribution

Iglesia del Señor Jesucristo en las Américas San Marcos 332 E. Olive St, San Marcos, United States

San Marcos Iglesia del Señor Jesucristo en las Américas San Marcos 332 E. Olive St, San Marcos, CA 92069 Operating from 11:00 am-12:30 pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month For questions please call (760) 736-6777.

El rol del cuidador en la diabetes y demencia


¿Sabe usted que la diabetes es un factor de riesgo para la demencia? Acompáñenos virtualmente a aprender sobre la diabetes, como cuidar de usted y la persona de quien cuida con diabetes, y entender la relación de la diabetes con la demencia.


Alzheimer’s San Diego: Maintaining Your Brain Health

Carlsbad Senior Center 799 Pine Ave, Carlsbad, CA, United States

Learn about lifestyle changes and habits that everyone can use to maintain a healthy brain. This class is presented by local nonprofit Alzheimer's San Diego. Pre-registration is recommended Register >


On-Farm Composting Course – San Marcos

Teri Campus of Life 555 Deer Springs Road, San Marcos

Composting on your farm, ranch, or large property is an ideal way to manage crop residues, manures, and other organic waste while creating a stellar soil amendment. Join us at the beautiful TERI Campus of Life in San Marcos for this three-week course. We will address the unique strategies, challenges, and opportunities that arise through … Continued


Preparándose para Impuestos (2024) – LASSD

1105 Front St San Diego, CA, United States

Preparándose para Impuestos (2024) - LASSD En nuestra serie de webinars en español presentado por Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Depto. de Impuestos (LITC) de Legal Aid Society of San Diego y San Diego Law Library de Feb.- Abr. del 2025, en el mes de Febrero les presentaremos “Preparándose para Impuestos (2024)”, donde discutiremos … Continued


Alzheimer’s San Diego: Care Options: Living at Home

17170 17170 Bernardo Center Dr,, San Diego,, CA, United States

Join us to learn about in-home care options and community-based resources such as adult day care, care management, and more. This class is presented by local nonprofit Alzheimer's San Diego. Pre-registration is recommended. Register >

Event Series TrueCare Food Distribution

TrueCare Food Distribution

Melba Bishop Community Recreation Center 5306 N River Rd, Oceanside, CA, United States

Oceanside Melba Bishop Community Recreation Center 5306 N River Rd, Oceanside, CA 92057 Operating from 11:00 am-12:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month For questions please call (760) 736-6777.

Alzheimer’s San Diego: How to Talk About Memory Loss

Alzheimer's San Diego 3635 Ruffin Rd suite 300, San Diego, CA, United States

Learn how to plan for successful, lower-stress family discussions about difficult topics like changes in memory, driving, and living alone. This class is presented by local nonprofit Alzheimer's San Diego. Pre-registration is recommended. Register >


Submit an Event to our Community Calendar

If you provide a health, human service, consumer, educational, environmental, or disaster related event, you might be eligible to have your event shared on our calendar. To submit events, you must first create a free account. If you don’t already have an account, please click "Submit an Event Request" below and then select "Sign up."

Woman with blonde hair smiling