Zero Waste San Diego is hosting a SD Fixit Clinic the Bonita-Sunnyside Branch Library in Bonita.
Bring your broken, non-functioning things: electronics, appliances, computers, toys, bicycles, clothes, etc. for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide work-space, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item and it’s all free, though we welcome donations to keep the movement growing!
Whether we fix it or not, you’ll learn more about how it was manufactured and how it worked while trusting it won’t end up in a landfill.
Interested in volunteering with SD Fix-it? Click on this link to fill out an application.
If you provide a health, human service, consumer, educational, environmental, or disaster related event, you might be eligible to have your event shared on our calendar. To submit events, you must first create a free account. If you don’t already have an account, please click "Submit an Event Request" below and then select "Sign up."