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Prevención de fraude para los cuidadores familiares (Fraud prevention for family caregivers)

December 18, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


¿Sabe usted que california es uno de los estados con mas reportes de estafas y fraudes?

Acompáñenos virtualmente a aprender sobre las estafas y fraudes mas comunes, entender que hacer para prevenir las estafas y fraudes como cuidador familiar, e identificar como pedir ayuda en caso de que usted o la persona de quien cuida ha sido estafado.



Did you know that California is one of the states with the most reports of scams and fraud?

Join us virtually to learn about the most common scams and frauds, understand what to do to prevent scams and fraud as a family caregiver, and identify how to ask for help in case you or the person you care for has been scammed.


Languages Available
Spanish, ASL
Special Groups
Caregivers (Kinship), Caregivers (General), Older Adults, Immigrants



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