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Community Calendar of Events


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San Diego Dementia Consortium Monthly Meeting

Pacific Western Bank Building 900 Canterbury Place, 900 Canterbury Place
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Speaker: Lisa Skinner, from Minding Dementia LLC "Through Their Eyes: A Window into Living With Dementia" Networking 8:15- 8:30 and 9:30- 10:00 Also on Zoom 8:30-9:30 

Alzheimer’s San Diego-En Persona- Consejos sencillos para la seguridad en el hogar

CARE Community Center 12 N. Euclid Ave, National City

Aprenda estrategias para crear y mantener un hogar más seguro para alguien que vive con demencia. Esta clase gratuita es presentada por la organización local Alzheimer's San Diego. Se recomienda la pre-inscripción. Inscríbase > https://alzsandiego.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/alzsandiego/eventRegistration.jsp?event=256&_gl=1*awfdz0*_gcl_au*MjE0MzQxMDgwMS4xNzI4MzI3OTY3*_ga*NTg1NDY3OTQ5LjE3MjgzMjc5Njc.*_ga_2CRBJFL14M*MTcyOTI3MzY5OC4yNi4xLjE3MjkyNzQ1NDUuNTkuMC42NzAzMzUwMDc.

Digital Toolbox: Supporting Family Caregivers with Online Resources

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Southern Caregiver Resource Center (SCRC) presents a virtual livestream (available on demand after livestream ends) to honor National Caregivers Month on Wednesday, November 20th from 1-2 p.m. “Digital Toolbox: Supporting Family Caregiver with Online Resources” Join us virtually as we explore the increasing use of technology as a caregiving tool, learn about the importance of … Continued

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