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Community Calendar of Events


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K-12 Education Sector Telebriefing


Join us to hear the latest updates for K-12 schools in San Diego County. This meeting will be conducted completely online. We encourage you to submit your questions 24 hours before the telebriefing here, so that they can be answered on the call. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the call … Continued

Alzheimer’s San Diego – ON LINE: How to Talk About Memory Loss


Learn how to plan for successful, lower-stress family discussions about difficult topics like changes in memory, driving, and living alone. This free webinar is presented by local nonprofit Alzheimer's San Diego. Registration is required. Please register at the ticket link and learn more at //www.alzsd.org/education.https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OLIvVWb0QkGLbT5KvfHirg#/registration

Submit an Event to our Community Calendar

If you provide a health, human service, consumer, educational, environmental, or disaster related event, you might be eligible to have your event shared on our calendar. To submit events, you must first create a free account. If you don’t already have an account, please click "Submit an Event Request" below and then select "Sign up."

Woman with blonde hair smiling