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Summer Lunch Program

Find a Summer Lunch Program

During the school year, tens of thousands of children in San Diego County depend on free and reduced-price meals each day. When school ends for the summer, many children are at risk of hunger with this important resource missing. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is meant to fill that nutritional gap.

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Summer meal sites are located in communities that are considered high need areas. All children and teens are welcome to come and enjoy free meals. Participating is easy:

  • NO enrollment
  • NO paperwork
  • NO income qualifications
  • ALL children 18 and younger are welcome

The funding is provided by the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The program is administered by the California Department of Education at the state level, and is operated by a network of organizations such as school districts and nonprofits.

To learn more about the Summer Food Service Program, visit the USDA website.

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