Forecasted weather conditions could affect the power lines that serve local communities. Find more information at the Public Safety Power Shutoff page. 

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Community Calendar of Events

Commercial Food Waste Compliance Webinar


California’s groundbreaking food waste prevention legislation SB 1383 is now in full effect across San Diego County. As Californians are asked to rethink how they manage their food waste, business leaders may wonder: how can we comply, and how will this affect our bottom line? This webinar will address the questions and concerns members of … Continued

On-Farm Composting Course – San Marcos

Teri Campus of Life 555 Deer Springs Road, San Marcos

Composting on your farm, ranch, or large property is an ideal way to manage crop residues, manures, and other organic waste while creating a stellar soil amendment. Join us at the beautiful TERI Campus of Life in San Marcos for this three-week course. We will address the unique strategies, challenges, and opportunities that arise through … Continued


On-Farm Composting Course – San Marcos

Teri Campus of Life 555 Deer Springs Road, San Marcos

Composting on your farm, ranch, or large property is an ideal way to manage crop residues, manures, and other organic waste while creating a stellar soil amendment. Join us at the beautiful TERI Campus of Life in San Marcos for this three-week course. We will address the unique strategies, challenges, and opportunities that arise through … Continued


On-Farm Composting Course – San Marcos

Teri Campus of Life 555 Deer Springs Road, San Marcos

Composting on your farm, ranch, or large property is an ideal way to manage crop residues, manures, and other organic waste while creating a stellar soil amendment. Join us at the beautiful TERI Campus of Life in San Marcos for this three-week course. We will address the unique strategies, challenges, and opportunities that arise through … Continued


Submit an Event to our Community Calendar

If you provide a health, human service, consumer, educational, environmental, or disaster related event, you might be eligible to have your event shared on our calendar.

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