Outreach Booth Request

Please use this form to submit any requests for 211 San Diego to participate a resource fair, career fair, or other outreach event.

  • Enter the name of the organization or collaborative hosting this event and/or making this request
  • Address and any other details

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • Provide details about set up time, start time, end time, and clean up time, if relevant. If the event is multiple days or has multiple start and end times, please describe that here.
  • Will the event take place indoors or outdoors?
  • Please mark any of the items that will be provided to our team.

  • Please describe the event, its target audience, and the purpose of the event.
  • Please select the primary HHSA region where this event will take place and/or target.

  • To help with our planning, approximately how many people do you expect to attend this event?
  • Please share if this event will serve any of these special populations. We recognize that not all

  • Please provide details about who will be attending this event. Include details about language and special interests.
  • What do you hope attendees will gain from 211 San Diego’s participation?

  • Contact Information

  • If there is a flier or picture with event information, please upload it here.
    Drop files here or

    Max. file size: 50 MB.

    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.