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Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and Other Kinship Caregivers

In response to the needs of kinship family caregivers, government, private and community-based organizations in San Diego County are working to promote resources and support for children living with kin inside and outside of the formal foster care system.

The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRG) Workgroup is a group of service providers that are dedicated to connecting relative caregivers to resources in their communities. Resource symposiums such as the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Symposium connect caregivers and grandparents to workshops, parent education, respite care, support groups, and other vital necessities.

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Handbook for Grandparents and
Other Relatives Raising Children

English  Español  



Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRG) Workgroup

Demographic Profile

The Community Health Statistics Unit (CHSU), under the Health & Human Services Agency (HHSA) Public Health Services Division, was formed in 2005 to provide a single point of contact for public health data and support to the HHSA Regions and their communities. The Demographic Profiles are a compilation of information relating to demographic characteristics of specific populations in San Diego County, many of which have been implicated at the roots of health disparities.

The purpose of the Demographic Profiles is to provide detailed information about the characteristics of the people living in San Diego County. Additional reports are available online at www.sdhealthstatistics.com.

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