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Community Calendar of Events

Alzheimer’s San Diego- In Person- Skills Clinic: Balance & Fall Prevention

Scripps Miramar Ranch Library 10301 Scripps Lake Dr, San Diego, CA, United States

Dementia increases the risk of falls, and this practical skills class shares strategies for helping a person maintain strength, balance, and reducing that risk. This class is presented by local nonprofit Alzheimer's San Diego. Pre-registration is recommended. Register > https://alzsandiego.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/alzsandiego/eventRegistration.jsp?event=251&_gl=1*122rcfz*_gcl_au*MjE0MzQxMDgwMS4xNzI4MzI3OTY3*_ga*NTg1NDY3OTQ5LjE3MjgzMjc5Njc.*_ga_2CRBJFL14M*MTcyOTYyNDI2OS4zMS4xLjE3Mjk2MjUyNTQuNjAuMC4xMjM2NTU1NTM1

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If you provide a health, human service, consumer, educational, environmental, or disaster related event, you might be eligible to have your event shared on our calendar.

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