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Community Calendar of Events

K-12 Sector Telebriefing


Joinus to hear the latest updates for K-12 schools in San Diego County. Thismeeting will be conducted completely online. We encourage you to submit yourquestions 24 hours before the telebriefing here,so that they can be answered on the call. Participants will also have theopportunity to ask questions during the call through the online chat feature.zoom … Continued

COVID-19 Early Care and Education Telebriefing


Meeting occurs every 2ndTuesday of the month from 1-2. Visit https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/community_epidemiology/dc/2019-nCoV/CommunitySectors/Childcare_Centers.htmlfor more info https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82883535073San Diego, CA 92123 

Institutions of Higher Education Sector Telebriefing


Join us to hear the latest updates for Institutions of Higher Education in San Diego County. This meeting will be conducted completely online. We encourage you to submit your questions 24 hours before the telebriefing here, so that they can be answered on the call. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions during … Continued

Support Group for Women Who Experienced Pregnancy or Infant Loss


The Elizabeth Hospice is offering a PREGNANCY AND INFANTLOSS SUPPORT GROUP which provides reproductive grief care to women whoexperienced perinatal loss by miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or othermeans and/or reproductive trauma from fertility treatment, anxiety orpostpartum depression. There is no cost to attend.  Led by trained grief counselors from The ElizabethHospice, support group participants will … Continued

Business Sector Telebriefing


Joinus to hear the latest updates for Businesses in San Diego County. This meetingwill be conducted completely online. We encourage you to submit your questions24 hours before the telebriefing here,so … Continued

Más allá de la discapacidad


  Nombre de la actividad: Más allá de la discapacidadTipo de actividad: Foro Online Tema: Recursos para personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo Hora: 5:00 pm a 6:00 pm Agencia organizadora: … Continued

Long Term Care Sector Telebriefing


Joinus to hear the latest Long Term Care updates in San Diego County. This meetingwill be conducted completely online. We encourage you to submit your questions24 hours before the telebriefing … Continued

K-12 Education Sector Telebriefing


Join us to hear the latest updates for K-12 schools in San Diego County. This meeting will be conducted completely online. We encourage you to submit your questions 24 hours … Continued

Caminemos Juntos con el Duelo


  Tipo de actividad: grupo de apoyo Tema: cultura de duelo Hora: 4:00pm- 5:00pm Agencia organizadora: Alianza Fronteriza de Filantrópica México – Estados Unidos /VDS Consulmex SD Lugar del evento: virtualEvento virtual /liga electrónica: … Continued

Long Term Care Sector Telebriefing


Joinus to hear the latest Long Term Care updates in San Diego County. This meetingwill be conducted completely online. We encourage you to submit your questions24 hours before the telebriefing … Continued

Support Group for Women Who Experienced Pregnancy or Infant Loss


The Elizabeth Hospice is offering a PREGNANCY AND INFANTLOSS SUPPORT GROUP which provides reproductive grief care to women whoexperienced perinatal loss by miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or othermeans and/or reproductive trauma from fertility treatment, anxiety orpostpartum depression. There is no cost to attend.  Led by trained grief counselors from The ElizabethHospice, support group participants will … Continued

K-12 Education Sector Telebriefing


Join us to hear the latest updates for K-12 schools in San Diego County. This meeting will be conducted completely online. We encourage you to submit your questions 24 hours before the telebriefing here, so that they can be answered on the call. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the call through … Continued

Support Group for Women Who Experienced Pregnancy or Infant Loss


The Elizabeth Hospice is offering a PREGNANCY AND INFANTLOSS SUPPORT GROUP which provides reproductive grief care to women whoexperienced perinatal loss by miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or othermeans and/or reproductive trauma from fertility treatment, anxiety orpostpartum depression. There is no cost to attend.  Led by trained grief counselors from The ElizabethHospice, support group participants will … Continued

Submit an Event to our Community Calendar

If you provide a health, human service, consumer, educational, environmental, or disaster related event, you might be eligible to have your event shared on our calendar.

Woman with blonde hair smiling