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Community Calendar of Events


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Holiday SD Fixit Clinic in Chula Vista

Bonita-Sunnyside Library 4375 Bonita Road, Bonita, CA, United States

Zero Waste San Diego is hosting a SD Fixit Clinic the Bonita-Sunnyside Branch Library in Bonita. Bring your broken, non-functioning things: electronics, appliances, computers, toys, bicycles, clothes, etc. for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide work-space, specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and troubleshoot your item and it’s all free, though we … Continued


Aspiring Pilot Seminar

California Aeronautical University (CAU) – San Diego 3794 John J Montgomery Drive, San Diego, CA, United States

Thinking of a career as a pilot? Not sure what steps to take to get there? Attend California Aeronautical University’s Prepare for Takeoff – Aspiring Pilot Seminar as a great first step in understanding how to start your career as a pilot. During the seminar, you’ll understand how flight training works, the role of an … Continued

Alzheimer’s San Diego- In Person- Manteniendo saludable su cerebro

Bonita-Sunnyside Library 4375 Bonita Road, Bonita, CA, United States

Aprenda sobre los cambios en el estilo de vida y las estrategias que todos pueden usar para mantener la salud de su cerebro. Esta clase gratuita es presentada por la organización local Alzheimer's San Diego. Se recomienda la pre-inscripción. Inscríbase > https://alzsandiego.app.neoncrm.com/eventReg.jsp?event=256&_gl=1*d6e6nz*_gcl_au*MjE0MzQxMDgwMS4xNzI4MzI3OTY3*_ga*NTg1NDY3OTQ5LjE3MjgzMjc5Njc.*_ga_2CRBJFL14M*MTcyOTYyNDI2OS4zMS4xLjE3Mjk2MjU0MTAuNTUuMC4xMjM2NTU1NTM1

Alzheimer’s San Diego- En Persona- Manteniendo saludable su cerebro

Bonita-Sunnyside Library 4375 Bonita Road, Bonita, CA, United States

Aprenda sobre los cambios en el estilo de vida y las estrategias que todos pueden usar para mantener la salud de su cerebro. Esta clase gratuita es presentada por la organización local Alzheimer's San Diego. Se recomienda la pre-inscripción. Inscríbase > https://alzsandiego.app.neoncrm.com/eventReg.jsp?event=256&_gl=1*mi5x1w*_gcl_au*MjE0MzQxMDgwMS4xNzI4MzI3OTY3*_ga*NTg1NDY3OTQ5LjE3MjgzMjc5Njc.*_ga_2CRBJFL14M*MTczMDE0NjIwNC40Mi4xLjE3MzAxNDY4MzcuNTUuMC4xMDM3NTI0NjEx

Alzheimer’s San Diego- In Person- Driving and Memory Loss

Alzheimer's San Diego 3635 Ruffin Rd suite 300, San Diego, CA, United States

Learn about physical and cognitive changes, how to evaluate driver safety, local transportation resources, and tips for having difficult conversations about driving. This class is presented by local nonprofit Alzheimer's San Diego. Pre-registration is recommended. Register > https://alzsandiego.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/alzsandiego/eventRegistration.jsp?event=251&_gl=1*30ip0m*_gcl_au*MjE0MzQxMDgwMS4xNzI4MzI3OTY3*_ga*NTg1NDY3OTQ5LjE3MjgzMjc5Njc.*_ga_2CRBJFL14M*MTcyOTYyNDI2OS4zMS4xLjE3Mjk2MjU2NDMuNTkuMC4xMjM2NTU1NTM1

Alzheimer’s San Diego- En Persona- Conversando sobre la pérdida de memoria

CARE Community Center 12 N. Euclid Ave, National City, CA, United States

¿Por qué es difícil hablar de este tema? Aprende a prepararte y hacer un plan. Esta clase gratuita es presentada por la organización local Alzheimer's San Diego. Se recomienda la pre-inscripción. Inscríbase > https://alzsandiego.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/alzsandiego/eventRegistration.jsp?event=256&_gl=1*148r2oo*_gcl_au*MjE0MzQxMDgwMS4xNzI4MzI3OTY3*_ga*NTg1NDY3OTQ5LjE3MjgzMjc5Njc.*_ga_2CRBJFL14M*MTcyOTYyNDI2OS4zMS4xLjE3Mjk2MjU3OTUuNTguMC4xMjM2NTU1NTM1

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If you provide a health, human service, consumer, educational, environmental, or disaster related event, you might be eligible to have your event shared on our calendar.

Woman with blonde hair smiling